QUTE.sk will help to involve individual research teams in excellent international consortia, which will subsequently bring new opportunities and, last but not least, financial resources for further research.



QUTE.sk – Slovak National Center for Quantum Technologies

Dúbravská cesta 9, 841 04 Bratislava, Slovakia


+421 904 507 697


Public awareness

Európska noc vedy

September 27, 2024, Bratislava, Slovakia
Na tohtoročnú Noc vedy pripravujeme okrem stánku aj ďalšie súvisiace aktivity.

Expedícia Kvantové Slovensko

Séria popularizačných prednášok o kvantovej fyzike

Upcoming workshop and seminars

For the professionals

Time in Quantum Theory 2024

September 10 - 13, 2024, Smolenice Castle, Slovakia
TiQT 2024 is the fourth annual edition of Time in Quantum Theory, this year held in beautiful Slovakia.

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