From March 11th to 13th, our skQCI Project Meeting took place at the Institute of Experimental Physics of the Slovak Academy of Sciences (IEP SAS). Over three dynamic days of presentations and discussions, we delved deep into ongoing experimental research at the institute, sharing insights and forging bonds that will propel our project forward.
The first meeting of Institute of Physics SAS and Faculty of Materials Science and Technology in Trnava (Slovak University of Technology) representatives took place in Trnava with the aim to coordinate the first deployment outside Bratislava area of the secured national quantum communication infrastructure.
Cyber Security is one of the topics in the 11th edition of a successful annual IT conference OpenSlava2023 organized by Accenture in Slovakia. OpenSlava was created to connect the IT world with business, science and students, therefore we are honored that our colleague Dr. Djeylan Aktas will contribute to this topic with his presentation FULLY MESHED QUANTUM NETWORKS.
The project is coordinated by Djeylan Aktas from Institute of Physics of Slovak Academy of Sciences and includes research teams from Comenius University (Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informations), Slovak Academy of Sciences (Institute of Experimental Physics and Institute of Electrical Engineering) and International Laser Center of SCSTI.
Meeting organized by the National Center for Quantum Technologies with the purpose of which was to inform about the nearest goals and activities.